Thank You For 400 Followers! – How to Get People to Engage with Your Blog

Happy Friday, everyone!

And guess what? My period of ignoring you is over! I’m back home!

My vacation in the Netherlands was absolutely wonderful: I explored so many interesting cities, finally got to see the beach again after almost four years, learned a ton about Dutch history and culture, managed to buy a birthday card in Dutch without the lady at the cash register realizing I didn’t really know much beyond “goedemorgen”, “ja”, “nee”, “alsjeblieft” and “dank je wel”, and had a hilarious Lord of the Rings movie marathon with my friend and her boyfriend. Trust me, I will never see Frodo and Sam’s relationship in the same light again… πŸ˜…

In case last week’s picture spam wasn’t enough, here are a few more 😁

Still, it’s also nice to be back home again. Sometimes, it takes going to another country to realize what you actually appreciate about your own. Like German bread 😍 Or the fact that you can just walk outside of a city and be in completely natural, uncultivated landscape. Or that you don’t constantly need to pull out your credit card and can simply pay in cash, which makes things like splitting bills so much less stressful.

So yeah, all that to say that I’m back, and I will do my best to catch up on at least some of the blogosphere news I missed out on!

And one of those things is finally thanking you for A Book Owl’s Corner hitting 400 followers a few weeks ago!! When I made this blog publicly available slightly over a year ago, I honestly didn’t think that anybody who didn’t know me in real life would read it at all. It means so much to me that you guys apparently care enough about what I have to say to keep coming back week after week to read all the endlessly long thoughts I can’t keep to myself and gush about books with me. So thank you!! Whether you’ve been here pretty much from the get-go, joined me along the way, or only just stumbled upon this blog, I’m happy to have every single one of you and always love hearing what you have to say!

Anyway, since so many of you apparently want to stick around with me, I obviously seem to know a thing or two about blogging. Basically, you could call me an expert. So, to help out those of you who might still be struggling, here are some extremely serious and very helpful tips I’ve discovered along the way that are guaranteed to make people fall in love with your blog! Trust me, they’ll never want to leave!

1. Make sure other bloggers know who you are.

If you want them to follow you, just message them something like this:

Hi, I just discovered your blog, it’s so good!! Seriously, it’s soooo good! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• I just followed you, so would you please follow me in return? Thanks XOXOXOXOXO

In fact, just go ahead and use this template – that will save you the time of coming up with a personalized message yourself. And to save even more time, do this without properly reading more than one of the blogger’s posts before you follow them. You can always unsubscribe later if you realize you don’t like their content after all.

2. After that initial message, never comment on a blog again.

After all, the blogosphere is big – if you want lots of engagement, you need to reach out to the masses and can’t waste time on a single person. Instead, keep repeating step one on as many blogs as possible.

3. To make sure a blogger really notices you, go ahead and like all of their posts in a row.

With so many notifications from the same person coming in at once, there’s no way a blogger won’t notice and appreciate you. Even better, they are sure to be tremendously impressed by your speed-reading skills!

For example, my average post length currently sits at 2,358 words per post. Just imagine my awe when people like about 30 of them in under a minute! If they liked a post, surely they must have read it, which means they must have reading speeds of over 70,000 words a minute! They can read a full-length novel in the blink of an eye! Isn’t that cool?

4. Like other bloggers’ posts without having read them.

While similar to the previous tip, this advice can actually be applied in a much broader context. Even if other bloggers are already aware of you and following you, it can’t hurt to let them know you still appreciate them every once in a while.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you actually have to read their posts. We all know you are a very busy person. But why should the blogger care whether you really liked their post or not? In this world, it’s all about stats. Bloggers don’t care if their words actually meant something to other people. They just want to see those numbers go up, so don’t worry about them second-guessing if that one person who always likes their post one second after they published it but never comments on anything actually likes their content.

5. If people follow you and miss some of your posts or don’t comment on them, make sure to retaliate immediately.


Don’t you dare to continue reading these treacherous people’s words! Make sure they know the only reason you came to their blog was so they would come to yours, not because you actually like what they write. Them having lots of work to do or reading selectively because they follow many different blogs is no excuse! After all, your blog should always come first.

6. If you have no clue what to post next, go ahead and take some inspiration from the blogging community.

Why use your own brain when others have already done the work for you? WordPress’s Discover tab exists for a reason. Just go on there, see what the most popular posts are, and copy these to your own blog.

However, make sure to change a few words and not to mention where you got the inspiration from. Then you can always claim you wrote the post yourself when someone accuses you of plagiarism. After all, typing Ctrl-C takes a lot of work! And then you also need to give the post your own touch! If people refuse to see how much effort went into this, it’s their problem, not yours.

7. Never use a spell-checker on your posts.


Look, gyus. Spellin is overrated anywey. Their’s know such thing as a missspelled word – writing is an expression of our crearitivity and spelling simpley reflekts that. using a spellchecker wood take up way to much time! Especially sense WordPress doesnt have it’s own one. U would have to revert to grammerly or pasting everything in two Microsoft Word. How annoying!

8. If you’re a book blogger, simple wrap-ups are the way to go.

What do I mean by this? Well, wrap-ups are actually a super easy post to write! Just copy the covers and synopses of the books you read into your post from Goodreads, and you’re all set!

After all, why should you take the time to actually tell your audience what you thought of a book when the synopsis already tells them everything they need to know? You don’t want to bias them before they read a book themselves. So don’t share your opinions – it will make your wrap-up much more professional and intriguing.

9. Don’t use images.

Here in the book blogging community, we know that true power comes from words, not pictures. We don’t need flashy attention grabbers here, especially not featured images. If your writing is good enough, your readers will willingly suffer through huge chunks of unbroken text to experience the wisdom you’re sharing with them.

10. When you make lists, make sure they include exactly ten items, because ten is a nice round number.

Who cares if the tenth item on the list is actually important or relevant? Top ten just sounds better, so simply reiterate something you already said or include some random other thing to make your list longer.

And that was it for today! If you aren’t already putting these tips to good use, what are you waiting for? Greatness lies within your grasp; all you have to do is reach for it!

Let me know down below which tip you found the most helpful, which of these you’ve already used, and what some of your own advice to new bloggers out there would be! And thanks again for 400 followers!!! πŸ’™πŸ¦‰πŸ’™

92 thoughts on “Thank You For 400 Followers! – How to Get People to Engage with Your Blog

  1. Nehal Jain says:

    The moment I read ‘extremely serious and helpful tips’ I knew what this was gonna be all about 🀣. the sevneth piont was lit, woh cears about grammar aneyways?!
    And yeah, we totally love people following our blog and liking our 70000+ worded posts in like…7 seconds πŸ˜ƒ.

    Also Naemi, I love your blog, it’s so good πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•. Do follow mine too pleaseeeeeee πŸ˜šπŸ™‚

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Rachel says:

    Congrats on 400 followers Naemi, you totally deserve it!
    Omg this post was iconic, and I am going to take all those tips to heart, starting now.
    So *ahem*
    Hi, I just discovered your blog, it’s so good!! Seriously, it’s soooo good! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• I just followed you, so would you please follow me in return? Thanks XOXOXOXOXO

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Haha, thanks, Rachel! πŸ’• XOXOXO
      Weirdly enough, I have memories of you liking and commenting on my blog before this, but since you only just discovered it, those must have been implanted by aliens or something… πŸ‘½πŸ€” I will have to look into it! But sure, after such a heartfelt comment, I obviously have no choice but to follow you! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      • Rachel says:

        Ohh that’s not a big deal I comment the same thing on hundreds of blogs each day, and I didn’t even write it myself… You know someone called Naemi? Yeah they have this blog and very kindly put up a template for people like me, so I just copy paste the stuff.

        All kidding apart, this post was EPIC and made me laugh so much!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • abookowlscorner says:

          Hmm, the name seems vaguely familiar, but I can’t quite put my finger on where I’ve heard it before… But her tips definitely seem like good advice! πŸ˜‰

          Honestly, though, I’m glad you liked the post and that I was able to make you laugh! 😊

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Maya Rajesh says:

    Congratulations on 400+ followers β™₯
    Also, yes, why should you ever bother visiting someone’s blog again, isn’t that useless πŸ˜‰
    Also amazing tips! I’m fohlovng every sinkl une of dem strtng frm rght nw.
    Haha, but seriously, congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Line says:

    I can’t believe you’re such an expert on blogging, Naemi! So many helpful tips in this post. I’m thinking about applying your advice about wrap-ups to my blog because I can barely form coherent sentences about books anyway, so just copying everything sounds way easier. I do have something to add to your first tip, though, and that is that you don’t actually have to leave a comment or like anything at all on a person’s blog if you want them to follow you. You just follow them and then they will naturally follow back, and it doesn’t matter at all that your blogs are about totally different topics and that you never actually read their posts.

    Congrats on 400 followers! 😁 And a good sarcastic post is the perfect way to celebrate 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I have hidden depths, I guess πŸ˜‡ But gosh, I can’t believe I forgot about that tip, because you are so right! Thanks to my wonderful followers, I have discovered blogs with fascinating topics like assembling washing machines, finding our way back to Jesus from the sinful technology-filled lives we are currently living, breeding tarantulas, or cooking about 250 kinds of soup, all of which I ardently follow, even though these people have long since unfollowed me. But I am sure I am a much better blogger for keeping up with their posts, even if I only see them in the reader and never click on them…

      And of course, you should totally just copy and paste your wrap-ups! That way, you will also save lots of time answering comments because you probably wouldn’t get annoying lengthy comment-novels from me anymore, telling you which of your thoughts I agree and disagree with. I know you must be tired of them by now πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

      • Line says:

        You are so lucky to have discovered all those blog topics! I’m not sure whether I need you to direct me to the washing machine assembling one or the one about breeding tarantuals. Both sound like fascinating topics! I’ve mainly discovered how I don’t need to pay for therapy because there are so many ways Jesus could save me instead.

        And you’re right! No more long comments! You should have led with that argument because you know how much I hate people having opinions πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

        Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I really don’t understand why everyone in the comments thinks these tips are funny – I told you, they are extremely serious and very helpful!

      (But thanks! 😊 I’m glad you appreciate my weirdness 🀣)

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Susana @susanalovesbooks says:

    These tips are sooooo helpful!!! I can’t believe I’ve never tried them!! :O Thank you so much!!

    Congrats on 400 followers πŸ˜„πŸ’• This post was amazing πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Renard Moreau says:

    πŸ˜‰ Oh, you have a very naughty sense of humour.

    For the record, I am totally against liking other people’s blog posts without ever reading them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I don’t know what you’re talking about; I obviously meant everything I said here πŸ™ƒ

      And of course, I don’t understand your point of view at all. Why would liking a post mean you actually like the contents of the post? That button is just there to make other bloggers aware of your existence. Why should they get actual feedback on whether someone thought their post was good? I just can’t fathom it.


  7. Definitely Moi says:

    Congratulations on 400 followers, Naemi! Here’s to many more!

    I’m honestly impressed you know so much about the blogosphere! You’ve learnt everything there is to learn. Thank you so very much for helping us fellow bloggers! I’ll follow your tips ASAP. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thanks, Moi! 😊

      I’m happy to see you’ve accepted that I am simply all-knowing when it comes to blogging πŸ˜‡ Feel free to let me be your guru and guide you further along the way. Starting with these tips definitely already puts you on the path to greatness! πŸ™ƒ

      Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thank you, Aisling! Although I’m extremely saddened to hear that you don’t like my wunderfl spellin tchoisiz πŸ˜₯ Don’t let all the rules limit your creative freedom!
      (Seriously, though, it also caused me great suffering to write that paragraph and just leave it like that πŸ˜‚)

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Alexandra says:

    First of all – CONGRATULATIONS on receiving 400 Followers! *Screams, throws confetti*. I feel like the first 100-300 followers is the hardest so the good news is it’s all uphill from here… At least I hope so BAHAHA! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
    But ohmygosh this post was hysterical. I didn’t just chuckle – I sat here cackling like a witch. The sass, the sarcasm – PURE COMEDY GOLD.
    I especially loved what you said about those people who like all your posts in a row (yeah, sure Janet you REALLY read all 30 of my posts in ten minuets πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚).

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thank you! πŸ’™ I guess we’ll see if those predictions turn out to be true, but either way, I’m very happy with where my blog is currently at 😊

      And I’m so glad you liked the post! (I’m obviously talking about the like button here, not the fact that you actually enjoyed the content 😁) And you really need to cut Janet some slack! Just because you don’t have her incredible reading speeds, you shouldn’t take your jealousy out on her. I’m sure she’s your most ardent supporter! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Rabeeah says:

    Congratulations on your milestone, your posts are brilliant so you really deserve it! I’ll make sure to implement all of these tips straight away…

    Also, side note, everyone I’ve ever met from Germany absolutely raves about the bread.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thanks, Rabeeah! If all of these amazing tips don’t bring you instant success, I’d obviously be very surprised indeed πŸ˜‰

      And that’s just because our bread is sooo good! 😍 I really don’t understand why other countries don’t have it πŸ˜ͺ Like, how can it suddenly be gone just because you cross the border? I get that places like the US might not know about it, but how can our neighbors fail to realize what they’re missing out on??

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hermione says:

    I meen- yoo hav got like the wirdest bloging advaice andd the wirdest sence of hyoumour. But stil thancs fur the advaice. Eet eez aktualy reelli gud.
    I weesh I cud reed 70000 wurdz pur minit but unfortunaitly Eett eezn’t poosible beecuz I do nut hav thees soupurpawur but naivermaynd.
    I cannot believe I just wrote this. I am going to cry😭
    Well, I am following your blog because you have an amazing sense of humour😏. Hope you follow backπŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Waow, i epprishiate ur kemmitment two wraiting sutch a loooong peregraf with sutch intresting spellin. Mai kreatif energdie is alreadi ikshaustid after dis won πŸ˜‚
      I’m really glad you like my sense of humor, though, and thank you! πŸ’™ I can’t believe you wrote all that, either, so obviously, checking your blog out in return is the least I can do πŸ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hermione says:

        It is very nice to chance the way we spell words for once🀣. It is just so funny. One day, you should probably make a post with misspelled words and all people will havea very hard time reading itπŸ˜…

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Nefeli says:

    Congrats on the followers, Naemi! You totally deserve them all, and more that are sure to come!❀

    Also, thanks for all these tips! I’m trying to engage more in the community and I’m sure everything you shared here will prove helpful! Especially the no spellcheck tip- who doesn’t want to read a post with a thousand misspelled words in it?

    Seriously, though, this post is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while, I actually laughed out loud πŸ˜‚. Excellent use of sarcasm! XOXOXOXO

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thank you, Nefeli! πŸ’™

      And don’t worry – if you follow these wonderful tips, especially the spellcheck one, I’m sure you’ll be the most popular blogger in this community in no time! Your great content will have nothing to do with it; it’s all about the presentation!

      (Seriously, though, I’m glad you liked the post πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ Even if there was obviously nothing sarcastic about it – I always follow these tips religiously! πŸ˜‡)

      Liked by 1 person

  12. BettyπŸ˜‰ says:

    Omg! Great post, Naemi!! I just came here from Riddhi’s blog, Congrats for super milestone!!
    *claps* *throws confetti everywhere*
    Also Thanks for those awesome tips you gave! I am sure they will be useful for beginners like me!
    I really loved this post!(I wish I saw it before my wrap up T_T. )

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Stara says:

    Ahaha awesome post! CONGRATULATIONS on reaching 400!

    Like other bloggers’ posts without having read them.
    Oh and I totally just liked your post without reading anything.

    Lol! Well awesome blog! Just found it so I’m scrolling through it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Haha, thanks, I’m glad you liked it! 🀣 I see you took Tip #3 in particular to heart already, so I’m sure there’s a bright blogging future ahead for you 😁

      And thank you for liking this post without reading anything! I must admit, I’m a bit curious why your comment still relates to what I said in the post, seeing that you didn’t read it, but I’m sure it’s just a remarkable coincidence πŸ˜‰

      Thanks for stopping by! πŸ’™


  14. Niv says:

    Idk how I stumbled upon more-than-a-year old blog post but it was truly the shimmering ray of wisdom about blogging I very earnestly searched for.
    Okay, so I know you’ve heard this many times but your sarcasm is seriously ✨da best✨Gosh i feel extremely stupid you know, honestly and sincerely, I read this post thinking it is actually extremely relevant. Well, undoubtedly it is v useful but your reasons for each point made my eyes pop out- literally.
    It’s been awfully long since i read an awfully impressive post, and wow. Just wow. No words, Naemi. Please publish a book giving us the guidelines of the subtle art of sarcasmπŸ’€πŸ’•
    And oh my gosh, the template in #1. It’s priceless.πŸ˜‚β€οΈ
    I still feel stupid, I can’t help but agree that most of it is true, esp the stats. As much as maths is fascinating, the blog stats is terrifying.
    – niv (

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I am obviously thrilled people are still being inspired by my shimmering rays of wisdom more than a year after I sent them out into the world! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‚ I am glad we see eye to eye the extreme usefulness of these tips! Feel free to use that template any time you want (😁) and thanks so much for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Niv says:

    In honour of being granted the permission to use the template, here you go-

    Hi, I just discovered your blog, it’s so good!! Seriously, it’s soooo good! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• I just followed you, so would you please follow me in return? Thanks XOXOXOXOXO
    Lol, just kiddingg πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:


      How can I resist this message? However, I’m afraid I’m breaking my own rules by actually wanting to read your posts – I know, the scandal! 😱 – so expect me to show up sometime this week when I’ll (hopefully 😭) have cleared some of my tremendous workload!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Niv says:

        Ahh, I’m so glad you’re on the edge of breaking your own rules πŸ˜‚
        I’m excited to know what you think about my blog! I just started it though, so don’t expect anything πŸ˜…
        I envy you for being busy (I’m on a boring vacation). Hope you’ll be free soon!

        Liked by 1 person

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