Can You Guess My Favorite Books?

Hi everyone!

First off, I’m sorry I went completely off-grid this week! If I missed any posts that you’re really proud of, feel free to leave a link and I will try to catch up once my life returns to something resembling normality πŸ˜… I’d love to see what you guys have been up to!

That being said, I am soooo relieved this week is over… I am now officially an overly-adrenaline-ated wreck, and it might take some time before I can use my right hand again – I pretty much wrote the equivalent of a full-length novel during those five exams 😁

Exams GIF

Overall, though, I don’t think it went too badly? Translation was an absolute nightmare, and of course there were the ridiculous time constraints, but I think I scribbled down enough to have passed? (Please don’t let me be wrong, because I don’t ever want to have to do this again πŸ™ˆ)

So yeah, that’s my excuse for barely interacting with you this week and for posting this a little later than usual. I did have a post prewritten, but of course I didn’t write an intro for it, so I figured I’d go ahead and do that now. Especially since many of you have been asking about how my exams went, anyway πŸ˜‰ Thank you so much for all your good luck wishes, those really helped cheer me up!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Anyway, I’ve wanted to write a blog post about my favorite books for a while now, and even had a very sloppy draft written. But then I saw this absolutely amazing post that Ally from Ally Writes Things did, where she had people try to guess her all-time favorites, and I just knew I had to try this myself! I hope Ally doesn’t mind – you’d better go and check out her blog to make up for me stealing her idea!

So, in this entirely revamped version of my original post, I’ve given you brief descriptions of 25 books I absolutely adore. I tried to put them in order, but this is not a strict ranking, and there are also books I love equally that didn’t make it onto the list… However, the top ten – those are my absolute favorites, and I love them with all my heart and soul!

Also, if the books are part of a series and I have a definite favorite within the series, I only put that book on the list. It doesn’t mean I don’t also love the other books, but I didn’t want to swamp the list with just two or three series πŸ˜‰

Let’s get into it, though! Try and see how many of these you can guess and leave your answers in the comments! Bonus points to whoever guesses right first πŸ˜‰ I’ll give you about three weeks, so don’t worry if I don’t answer your comments before then. (Yup, I totally planned that to coincide with the end of my math exams – the next few weeks might be even crazier than this one, if I’m being completely honest… πŸ™„)

Also, I don’t really have a cool prize to offer, so I guess whoever gets the most right can pick a favorite book of theirs that I will then read and do a full review for! πŸ˜‰ (Or you can just play along for the fun of it, too.) I hope you enjoy!

The Favorites

#1 An angsty teenage boy trying to defend the world from evil is portrayed as delusional by the media. There is lots of magic and knitted hats.

#2 Four sisters set up their father on awful dates to prevent him from getting remarried. The Aztecs and astrophysics play a pretty important role in this one.

#3 A young queen struggles to deal with the trauma caused to her kingdom under her twisted father’s rule. A thief, a grouchy librarian, and her blind cousin are among her closest allies.

#4 A girl doesn’t get married after all and is forced to fight to the death (again). Watches and bread are used to encode important information.

#5 A girl with purple magic switches places with her twin brother so that she can train to defend her realm.

#6 A brother and sister decide to adopt a boy but end up with a girl by mistake. They don’t return her to the orphanage, and she gets into a ton of scrapes.

#7 A boy goes on a government-sanctioned mission through an underground jungle to save his grievously ill mother. On the way, he forms a strong bond with a rat and is reunited with his kind-of-best-friend, who is willing to let him die in quicksand.

#8 A girl tries to stay holed up in her dorm room and writes lots of gay fanfiction. She worries how her dad is coping back home.

#9 The daughter of a general plays lots of piano and buys a slave who ends up instigating a rebellion against her people. She falls in love with him anyway.

#10 A family goes to a Swedish island on vacation. Eventually, the youngest boy ends up buying something much more important than ice cream.

#11 A bartender talks about how awesome (and obnoxious) he was during his childhood, while his probably-fae companion and a travelling writer listen.

#12 Has a pretty epic (and probably long-overdue) underwater kiss.

#13 A twelve-year-old writes a book and gets it published with the help of her best friend and her English teacher.

#14 Four children move in with their estranged grandmother after their mother has abandoned them.

#15 A young governess falls in love with the master of the house, who has some pretty disturbing secrets hidden in his attic.

#16 One day, a baby is sent to a very small island in a package. The baby grows up and ends up tearing his clothes a lot. Also, there are dragons in this book.

#17 There is also an abandoned baby in this one, but it is left in a bookstore (though that is also on an island).

#18 A blind French girl flees from the Nazis with her father, while a radio-obsessed German boy eventually becomes one of them.

#19 A girl spends the summer walking dogs because of something her dad allegedly did. She does meet a cute writer, though.

#20 A book about professional killers and a very philosophical AI.

#21 Lots of people with terrible secrets go to an island. No one survives.

#22 A house cat leaves his home behind for a very different way of life.

#23 A boy’s parents leave him at home with an awful baby-sitter who takes his new book away. During half of this story, the boy is asleep.

#24 Five children and a dog solve lots of mysteries during the holidays. The local police constable does not like them. I also adore a ton of school stories by this same author.

#25 People ingest metals to overthrow a corrupt government.

Do you recognize any of these? Keep those guesses coming!

And if you enjoyed this, let me know – I might do a part two or a similar post for my least favorite books of all time πŸ˜„

Update: Answer Reveal

I can’t believe it – I just finished my last written exam!!! Granted, it was absolutely horrible, but I am just soooo relieved this thing is over πŸ˜…πŸ₯³ I never want to go through anything like these past few months again, ever!

Anyway, I finally have the time to write again, so as promised: Here are the answers! You guys actually did really well guessing them; I’m seriously impressed!

#1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter #5) by J.K. Rowling

#2 The Penderwicks on Gardam Street (Penderwicks #2) by Jeanne Birdsall

#3 Bitterblue (Graceling Realm #3) by Kristin Cashore

#4 Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2) by Suzanne Collins

#5 The Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce

#6 Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

#7 Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods (Underland Chronicles #3) by Suzanne Collins

#8 Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

#9 The Winner’s Curse Series by Marie Rutkoski

#10 Seacrow Island by Astrid Lindgren (originally Swedish)

#11 The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

#12 The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson #5) by Rick Riordan

#13 The School Story by Andrew Clements

#14 Dicey’s Song (Tillerman Cycle #2) by Cynthia Voigt

#15 Jane Eyre by Charlotte BrontΓ«

#16 Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver by Michael Ende (originally German)

#17 The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

#18 All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

#19 The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

#20 Scythe by Neal Shusterman

#21 And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

#22 The Warriors Series by Erin Hunter

#23 Lippels Traum by Paul Maar (originally German; as far as I know, this book has not been translated into English)

#24 The Five Find-Outers and Dog Series by Enid Blyton

#25 The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) by Brandon Sanderson

Let me know if you’ve read any of these and agree that they’re awesome! πŸ˜‰

Also, shoutout to Abby and Line – you guys definitely guessed the most correctly, so hit me up with that favorite of yours that I’m supposed to read in return! Seriously, how did you get this many right?

68 thoughts on “Can You Guess My Favorite Books?

  1. pilargg says:

    School is tough!! And the fact that it’s online doesn’t help AT ALL. But I bet you knocked all of those exams out of the park 😎😎

    Here are my guesses. Before you read them I want to apologize πŸ˜‚ I am HORRIBLE at this type of thing. So many of them sound very familiar, but I just don’t know what they are. I think I guessed some of the easier ones though.
    1- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
    8- Fangirl.
    15 – Wuthering Heights.
    21 – It sounds like We Were Liars but I don’t think it is…

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I’m glad you have so much faith in me 😁 And don’t worry – you’re not any worse at guessing than I am! And some of these (though not all of them) might be right πŸ˜‰ I’ll let you know in a few weeks once everyone has had the chance to guess!

      Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Sooo – I’m back with the answer reveal πŸ˜‰ You definitely got Harry Potter and Fangirl right, and you were pretty close with Wuthering Heights – you just got the wrong BrontΓ« sister 😁 (And just for the record: I absolutely detested Wuthering Heights πŸ˜… It’s been a while since I read it, though…). And I haven’t read We Were Liars, but you suggesting it here makes me really intrigued!

      Anyway – if you’d like to see all the answers, they’re up now πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

      • pilargg says:

        This was so fun!! We Were Liars is good, but I don’t think it compares to Agatha Christie πŸ˜… Also I’m soooo bummed I didn’t get Gregor the Overlander!!! I love that series and that description is amazing (now that I know what it is) πŸ˜‚

        Liked by 1 person

        • abookowlscorner says:

          I’m glad you had fun! And possibly even more glad that you love Gregor, too 😊 People always tend to forget about the series since the Hunger Games is so much more famous, but I love it just as much! And I don’t think I’ve ever bawled my eyes out over a book as much as over Gregor and the Code of Claw…

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Line says:

    Uh, Friday evening entertainment! πŸ˜„

    Happy to hear that you have a good feeling about the exams! Hope your hand survives the next ones, too πŸ˜‰

    I feel like I’m probably not going to have read many of your favorite books but here are my guesses:
    #1: Order of the Phoenix (easy!)
    #4: Catching Fire
    #8: FANGIRL!!
    #11: The Name of the Wind (the obnoxious part tipped me off πŸ˜‚)
    #12: Underwater kiss and I can only think Romeo and Juliet?
    #15: Jane Eyre
    #18: All the Light We Cannot See
    #20: I wanna say Scythe? Or maybe Thunderhead?
    #25: Mistborn!

    I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard of the rest. There we’re some fantasy-sounding ones that had me “I should know this!”. Can’t wait for you to reveal them! And good luck with the rest of your exams 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I’m glad you were entertained πŸ˜‚

      And thank you! I actually have pretty high hopes for my hand’s survival – there’s no way I’ll have to write as much in math as in English… At least I sincerely hope so!

      I’ll keep you posted on those guesses! Let’s just say you didn’t do too badly, either πŸ˜‰

      Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Hi! I’m just here to say that answers are up now, and that you were pretty spot on about these! 😊 The only one you guessed wrong was Romeo and Juliet (and unless I missed something during my Shakespeare marathon, there definitely isn’t an underwater kiss in that play πŸ˜‰).

      Kvothe really is so obnoxious, isn’t he? I couldn’t not put that in that description, so I’m glad you appreciated it 😁 And I actually like Scythe and Thunderhead almost equally (maybe Scythe a tiny bit more, though?), so I didn’t actually specify. You definitely got the right series!

      Also, since you did so well on this, you get to recommend one of your own favorites to me if you’d like πŸ˜‰ I have to stick to my promises!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Line says:

        Congratulations on finishing those exams! πŸ₯³

        Lol, my Romeo and Juliet guess was also a wild one because I haven’t actually read it. Purely based on the movie. Funny thing is that I’ve actually read The Last Olympian but have to admit that I remember nothing about it, so I was so sure you were describing a book I hadn’t read πŸ˜‚

        I’m reading The Wise Man’s Fear at the moment so I’m back with Kvothe. I still think he should get slapped more often for the things he say πŸ˜‚.

        And I get to recommend you something? Honestly, I’m just so relieved that I guessed every book I’ve actually read (except for Percy), so I hadn’t even thought about what book to recommend. But to give you something: You mentioned recently that you hadn’t read my favorite fantasy trilogy which is Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden. It has a similar vibe to it as Silver in the Wood so I think you’ll like it 😊 My personal favorites are book 2 and 3 so I don’t know if I’m cheating by recommending you three books πŸ˜…

        Liked by 1 person

        • abookowlscorner says:

          Thank you! I am just so enormously relieved right now, it’s crazy πŸ˜…

          And gosh, I wanted to slap Kvothe so badly so often! I don’t understand why his friends allowed him to get away with his self-obsessed behavior that much… But I still really love those books 😊 The world building and the writing is just some of the best I’ve ever seen! And I need to know what happens next, so Patrick Rothfuss had better get a move on and publish the third one!

          Also: I will gladly read three books instead of one! πŸ˜‚ The Winternight Trilogy has been on my amazon wishlist for almost three years now and I still haven’t read it, so it’s great that you’re forcing me to finally get a move on 😁 And now that I know a lot more about Russia than I did three years ago, I’m actually even more intrigued by the folklore aspect of it! Especially knowing that you approve and think it has Silver in the Wood vibes 😍 I can’t wait to read it!

          Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I’m glad you liked it! I’m having so much fun seeing everyone’s guesses, too 😁 I’m really looking forward to revealing the answers, but I guess since I said I’d wait three weeks, I have to stick with that decision now πŸ˜…


  3. Abby @ Beyond the Read says:

    I’m glad to hear you’ve been doing well with your exams! And I absolutely love this post! Here are my guesses:
    1. Harry Potter β€” I’m hopeless with titles of books in a series, sorry
    2. One of the Penderwicks books!! (Gardam Street maybe?
    4. Catching Fire
    6. Anne of Green Gables
    8. Fangirl
    9. The Winner’s Curse 🀩
    12. Percy Jackson β€” I haven’t read this series but even I know about the famed underwater kiss πŸ˜‰
    15. Jane Eyre
    17. The Storied Life of AJ Fikry
    18. All the Light We Cannot See!!!!
    20. I’m guessing Illuminae but wow even if I’m wrong I need to pick this book up β€” sounds like something I would love πŸ˜‚

    I’m honestly sort of surprised at myself and how many books on your list sounded familiar to me πŸ˜… Love this post, and good luck with the rest of your exams!! πŸ’—πŸ’–

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thanks so much for participating! I’m glad you had fun! 😊❀

      I’ll keep you posted on the answers πŸ˜‰ – I’m kind of regretting my decision to wait a few weeks now, lol. It’s so hard not to start freaking out about all these books I love πŸ˜‚ Let’s just say you’re pretty spot on about some of them 😁

      Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Hi – this is me checking in to say that all answers are up now! πŸ™ƒ And you actually did really well, so send me that book recommendation if you want me to read one of your favorites as a reward! πŸ˜‰

      The only one you got wrong was actually #20. I do really love Illuminae (and Gemina even more so), but I wouldn’t say it’s a definite favorite… The book I was actually thinking of was Scythe, so if you haven’t read it yet, I highly suggest you check it out! If you’re a fan of AIDAN, you’re going to love the Thunderhead!!

      Anyway, thanks so much for playing along! ❀️

      Liked by 1 person

      • Abby @ Beyond the Read says:

        Ahhh I’m so proud of myself πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Thank you for the effort you put into this post!! I’d love for you to read Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim β€” I know you’ve been wanting to read it for some time already, so I thought I might as well give you another excuse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰

        Aha I knew something about that description didn’t fit Illuminae!! I have been hearing amazing things about Scythe and hearing that there’s a philosophical AI involved is so many points in its favor!! I’m going to need to check that one out!

        Ahhh it was my pleasure!! I had so much fun with my guesses πŸ€©πŸ’—

        Liked by 1 person

        • abookowlscorner says:

          I’m so happy you had fun guessing! 😊❀

          And that’s so sweet of you! I will definitely have to prioritize Spin the Dawn now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I should do this more often if people are going to give me all these excuses to read books I want to read anyway 😁

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Riddhi B. says:

    1. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix [My personal fav is Prisoner of Azkaban]
    6. Anne of Green Gables
    8. Fangirl [I love this book so much!!]
    12. Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian
    15. Jane Eyre
    21. Is it And then there were none? I am not sure I haven’t read the book…

    I am glad you have a good feeling about your exams [Ah, those terrible terrible things] and good luck for the rest of them!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. urlphantomhive says:

    This was a lot of fun!
    I think I got:
    1. HP and the Order of the Phoenix
    4. Catching Fire
    6. Ann of Green Gables
    15. Jane Eyre
    18. All the Lights We Cannot See
    21. And then there were none?
    24. Is this something by Enid Blyton?

    Don’t let us wait too long for the answers?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Strawberrys Corner says:

    I am so glad you’re back with another blog! I wanted to guess some but I don’t remember the numbers since I couldn’t write them down, Harry Potter, Fangirl (haven’t read it yet though but gay fanfiction made me think fangirl), Percy Jackson, I forgot my other guesses and Illuminae, I, however, did not like this book haha I would have if the AI and the infected had bigger parts and were more of the story.

    I also did a review of my favourite, Mine, in case you want to read it and know what those gifs were about haha

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Emer @alittlehazebookblog says:

    Oh I’m useless at this. I recognised Fangirl, Jane Eyre and All the Light We Cannot See, however ive forgotten which numbers so that’s all a bit pointless ooops! And I’m just clueless about the others, and most likely I’ve read a bunch of them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      You’re not useless, don’t worry! I can’t remember the numbers without going back to check, either, but I do remember which books I put on the list, and your guesses sound pretty good πŸ˜‰ I’ll give you a heads up once I reveal the answers so you can see if you’ve read any of the others, though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Also – sorry I’ve been missing so many of your posts lately! πŸ˜₯ I fully intend on returning once all this exam craziness is over!! β€πŸ’œπŸ’™

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Nefeli says:

    Congrats on surviving translation and good luck with the rest of your exams!! I’m sure you did great!

    This is such a fun idea and I’m terrible at guessing games, so of course I have to try. I don’t think I’ve read most of them, though.

    1. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    4. Catching Fire
    8. Fangirl (? I haven’t read it)
    15. Jane Eyre
    16. I was about to say Tarzan but then you threw dragons at me, so I have nothing πŸ˜‚
    19. I’m guessing completely based on the cover here. Is it The Unexpected Everything?
    21. And Then There Were None
    24. I want to say Scooby Doo, but a) it’s not a book and b) the kids are four. I have no idea πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

    You made all these books sound amazing, I want to read them all!!

    (Oh, and I’ve posted part two of my musical poems list, you might want to check it out when you’re done with exams since you liked part 1!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thanks for playing along! You did pretty well, too, though I think I’m probably not revealing too much by saying Scooby Doo and Tarzan are not on this list πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I can see the similarities though! I’ll keep you posted when I do the grand reveal πŸ˜‰

      And I will definitely go check that out! Right now, I’m still listening my way through that first list and thoroughly enjoying all that sadness – so you bet I will be binging that other post once I’m no longer supremely busy!! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      So… Answers are up now, which means that I can say apart from Tarzan and Scooby Doo, your guesses were all spot on! I’m particularly impressed by how you got The Unexpected Everything based only on the cover! 😁

      Also – I am so excited to go listen to the rest of your music suggestions now that my written exams are finally over!!! It seems so surreal to finally have free time again πŸ€—

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nefeli says:

        Well, that went as expected! The minute I read a girl walking dogs a lightbulb turned on in my brain. I KNEW I had seen this visual on a cover before. I haven’t read the book, but it has dogs on it and I never forget dogs!!

        I hope you enjoy the songs (tell me your thoughts on them when you’re done if you want) and enjoy your free time even more!!

        Liked by 1 person

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