The Grand Reveal || Could you guess the book scenes from AI-made fanart?

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Two weeks after I confronted you with bookish fanart drawn by the AI image generator Microsoft Designer and asked you to guess which books the corresponding scenes were taken from, it is now time for the grand reveal! As well as some commentary on the art, obviously. Now that I can talk spoilers, we simply have to discuss some of the AI’s more bizarre tendencies!

In case you need a quick refresher or missed my original quiz post, all of the AI’s commissions were drawn in response to a one-line prompt of the form “Draw some fanart of [characters XXX from a really popular novel] [partaking in] [iconic scene YYY from said really popular novel].” Well, all except one, which was a fake scene I threw in to make things a little more difficult. Points could be earned for guessing which scene was fake, correctly identifying which books the remaining ten scenes were from, and coming closest to guessing the actual prompt I gave the AI.

Anyway, a huge thanks to everyone who participated! I hope you had fun, are ready to see what was actually going on here, and excited to find out how well you did…

Scene #1 – A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Yeah, nobody guessed this one correctly… 🀣🀣🀣 To be honest, though, I would’ve been extraordinarily surprised if you had because this is definitely not what I was picturing when reading A Court of Thorns and Roses, either. We have that random scribe snuck into the first picture and, at least in my head, that worm was a whole lot more earthworm- than wyrm-like and Feyre wasn’t some red- or white-haired warrior man. But what do I know? Maybe the characters in those books are way more diverse than I interpreted them to be, and Feyre is actually transgender?

Anyway, the only explanation I have for Designer‘s take is that it has miraculously never encountered the side of the internet that seems to be solely dedicated towards lusting after Rhysand, but has instead been monitoring the Goodreads Choice awards very closely and figured Sarah J. Maas winning the fantasy category so many times must mean her books were about epically battling dragons with swords. How else would it have nailed the genre and literally nothing else?

As for that scribe, my tip would be to never mention the word “draw” when commissioning an AI, unless you want it to throw an abundance of pencils, paintbrushes, or artists into your pictures. It seriously put them EVERYWHERE, and I was dying with laughter as I watched you try to make some deep literary sense out of all the painting, writing, and drawing going on in this quiz.

People who guessed the correct book:

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: Yeah, nope πŸ˜‚ You had plenty of hilarious guesses here, ranging from Beowolf over Game of Thrones and The Kingkiller Chronicle to The Witcher, but none of that was close enough for me to give you any brownie points. Sorry!

Scene #2 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

See what I meant about the dangers of mentioning the word “draw” in your prompts? 🀣 (Also, what IS that green blob thing in the painting in the second picture??? Between that and the seriously disturbing anatomy of the grandpa sitting at the table, I am starting to become quite concerned about granting AI more power in the future…)

Anyway, as with A Court of Thorns and Roses, Designer clearly had some idea of what Pride and Prejudice was, but went totally wrong on the details. I mean, the clothing looks like it might fit into a Jane Austen novel, but why are the Bennet kids barely past toddler-age? And what is Ebenezer Scrooge doing in picture #2?? I have so many questions, including why, despite Pride & Prejudice having been around for over 200 years, the AI apparently doesn’t know enough about its characters to feature them. Not only is thoroughly annoying William Collins not there, but everything that makes Elizabeth and her family iconic is missing, too!

However, we’ve got to give it to Designer. When in doubt about its skills, it apparently not only likes to feature art supplies, but also garbled text snippets from its prompt that at least give you some clue as to what might be going on here. Several of you mentioned the “Bennetets” being the deciding detail that helped you identify this, so I applaud your detective skills!

People who guessed the correct book: Morgan, Charlotte, Hannah, Anonymous Person #2 (Who are you?? Trying to figure this out has been giving me a huge headache these past few days!!)

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: Anonymous Person #2 with “Draw me some fan art of Darcy visiting the Bennets.” I mean, it’s the wrong visitor, but apart from that, this was my exact prompt! How are you so good at this?! 😲

Scene #3 The Martian by Andy Weir

Am I slightly gleeful that Designer apparently knows who Mark Watney is despite never having heard of Feyre? πŸ˜‡ Although his clothes look more like something my grandpa would’ve worn as a kid than those of an astronaut, this guy actually has the right gender, the potatoes were included, AND there are rockets in the background. Clearly, the AI has its priorities straight and knows its sci-fi! (I mean, sure, we’ve also got some drawing again and one of those rockets looks like a minion, but we can’t be too picky. This really isn’t that bad!)

People who guessed the correct book: Line, Morgan, Astrya, Janette (0.5 points because you gave me two options), Anonymous Person #2

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: Anonymous Person #2 with “Draw me some fan art of Watney growing potatoes on Mars.

Scene #4Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Okay, to be fair, maybe this one isn’t exactly an iconic scene. But while I was playing around with the AI, it turned out that it was actually surprisingly great at drawing Harry Potter fanart, so I couldn’t just pick something that was truly central to the plot. And since – if you ask me – EVERYTHING about Harry Potter is iconic, I had to go with something a little more niche to give you guys something to think about!

Besides, the whole Quidditch rivalry is just so wholesome. Like, normally, Minerva McGonagall is this perfectly proper, strict teacher who would never favor anyone, but when it comes to Quidditch, we suddenly see that she’s a fierce Gryffindor at heart. Like, there’s her bending the rules for Harry in his first year, unapologetically saying,

Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin. I couldn’t look Severus Snape in the face for weeks.”

(Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Chapter 9)

Or her not giving the Gryffindors any homework the whole week leading up to their match against Slytherin during Harry’s fifth year, in a scene that once again proves that Order of the Phoenix is positively epic right down to the minute details:

“I think you’ve got enough to be getting on with at the moment,” she said loftily. Nobody could quite believe their ears until she looked directly at Harry and Ron and said grimly, “I’ve become accustomed to seeing the Quidditch Cup in my study, boys, and I really don’t want to hand it over to Professor Snape, so use the extra time to practise, won’t you?”

(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 19)

WHICH MAKES IT EVEN WORSE THAT PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL IS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN IN THE AI’S PICTURES!!! Both of them clearly only picture Professor Snape and a long-haired Harry – Although they appear to have swapped clothes in the second one??? – and a whole bunch of weird animals that stumped me at least as much as they did you guys. Like, seriously, how can you only include the bully who constantly booked the Quidditch pitch for his own team so the Gryffindors couldn’t practice and looked the other way when confronted with Slytherin sabotage? Professor McGonagall was far better at fighting heroically without getting her hands dirty, and I wanted to see it here!

People who guessed the correct series: Line, Morgan, Charlotte, Hannah, Lesser Leaf, Astrya (But you didn’t technically say it was Harry Potter, so we’re docking the extra point), Anonymous Person #1 (Sumedha??), Janette, Anonymous Person #2

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: Everyone who guessed this was equally far off, so I suppose you can all have one point. You’re not getting two, though – you’ve got to try a bit harder for that! πŸ€ͺ

Scene #5 – Animal Farm by George Orwell

Hahahaha, the AI so did not recognize which quote I was alluding to here – like some of you pointed out, this looks more like primary school for pigs or some cheery animal coloring book than a dystopian classic. Also, interesting how the AI chose to represent something being “more equal” with a modular identity sign… πŸ€” I appreciate the effort of adding the extra line here, but that’s not “more equal”, Designer; if anything, it’s less so! With your sign, we just have equality up to adding a multiple of a certain number, such as how, on a clock, 1 a.m. and 1 p.m. on any day are represented the same way – we look at our time modulo 12, assigning the same number to times that are exactly twelve hours apart. Your mathematical notation is inaccurate, AI, and I disapprove!

People who guessed the correct book: Morgan (0.5 points), Charlotte, Anonymous Person #1, Janette, Anonymous Person #2

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: Anonymous Person #2 with “Draw me some fan art of the pig saying all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Scene #6 Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb


OMG, guys, when they AI spit this out, I literally almost died of laughter! Clearly, Designer has no clue whatsoever where The Realm of the Elderlings is concerned and figured “Nighteyes” was supposed to be interpreted in the literal sense of the word. I mean, lots of nocturnal animals or animals that can see well in the dark do have these kinds of eyes, right? But who the heck is the Fool in this scenario? The guy in the rabbit costume??? Because while he’s the one shadily buying receiving the rabbit here, the death-dude’s outfit looks way more Fool-like…

Still, I am beyond offended how you could turn one of the most heartwarming scenes ever into this monstrosity, AI! Reading about my most beloved fictional wolf of all time willing to share his prey with my favorite Realm of the Elderlings character made me feel so warm and fuzzy, particularly since we know Nighteyes has no trouble at all showing people when he doesn’t like them. The fact that Fitz’s animal companion and his best friend accept each other so unquestioningly has always made me root for the three of them even more!

People who guessed the correct series: None, obviously.

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: No one got anywhere near close, but I sure had a blast reading your guesses! πŸ˜‚

Scene #7 Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

No idea what is going on in that second version, but the first one really isn’t bad! Sure, Katniss has weird wings sprouting from her head and there are butterflies everywhere, but the AI got enough right that I 100% believe this scene is recognizable! It clearly knows who Katniss is, and, even more impressively, it is apparently also aware that Buttercup is a cat. How could half of you guys assume he was a PokΓ©mon?? The fact that NOBODY recognized the scene, even though nothing but A Little Life has ever managed to reduce me to tears in quite the same manner, is a travesty. The Buttercup scene is heartbreakingly iconic!! Is it really just me it had bawling??? 😭

People who guessed the correct series: Line, Charlotte, Astrya, Anonymous Person #2

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: All of you figured this was from The Hunger Games, not Mockingjay, but since Line was the only person who mentioned Katniss mourning a dead character in her prompt – “Purely based on the arrows in the first picture I’m thinking The Hunger Games and we might be seeing Rue’s death or Katniss mourning her. ” -, I guess this one goes to her?

Scene #8 – The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

Okay, technically speaking, I’m mixing in a bit of Lord of the Rings lore by including Gollum’s real name in what is evidently a scene from The Hobbit. But for some weird reason, Designer got upset whenever I used “Gollum” instead of “SmΓ©agol”, saying it couldn’t draw the picture because my wording was violating their company policy. Like, how???? Am I somehow unaware of inappropriate connotations of “Gollum”?? Please enlighten me because I am beyond confused!

However, ignoring the AI’s now-familiar love for adding pencils and garbled bits of my prompt to its images, the only weird thing about AI-Gollum is that he has apparently merged with Yoda. He was drawn accurately enough that several of you recognized him, which, together with other evidence we’ve encountered so far, has me thinking that Designer‘s fanart abilities increase exponentially when a book has a well-known movie adaptation which it can draw inspiration from. Seriously, when you compare this picture or The Hunger Games one to the ones featuring Feyre or Nighteyes – characters from books that have also been sold in millions but weren’t adapted to screen – the difference is baffling!

People who guessed the correct series (Due to me also cheating on this front, I’m counting The Lord of the Rings as well): Morgan, Charlotte, Hannah (0.5 points), Lesser Leaf (0.5 points), Astrya (0.5 points), Anonymous Person #2

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: Anonymous Person #2 with “Draw me some fan art of Gollum asking a riddle.

Scene #9 New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

I’ve got to hand it to Microsoft Designer: The way it critiques ancient Edward preying on an innocent, much younger Bella in that second picture? **Chef’s kiss**

Nevertheless, I don’t really understand how Edward ended up in this. If I recall my teenage years correctly, the “Team Jacob” faction was at least as vocal as the “Team Edward” one, so there should’ve been plenty of shirtless Taylor Lautner pictures out there on the internet that the AI could’ve taken inspiration from. Using Robert Pattinson instead is just lazy! I really don’t blame anyone who thought this scene was about Bella riding a motorcycle to hallucinate about Edward because, quite honestly, I’m getting way more of that vibe, too.

People who guessed the correct series: Line, Morgan, Charlotte, Hannah, Lesser Leaf (you’re getting 0.5 points because technically “those glittering vampire novels I haven’t read yet” is not a book title), Astrya, Anonymous Person #1, Janette, Anonymous Person #2

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: Line with “Is that Jacob teaching Bella how to ride a motorcycle in New Moon? πŸ˜‚ But the guy in the second picture is Robert Pattinson and that’s really weird.

(To be fair, Line probably had an unfair advantage here due to my buddy-read commentary on a certain scene in The Warm Hands of Ghosts, but well, that’s just the way life works sometimes! πŸ€ͺ)

Scene #10 – The Poirot Series by Agatha Christie

I feel like Hercule Poirot admires his mustache in basically every single mystery featuring him, so as long as you picked one of them, you’re getting that point! In case you’re curious, though, the particular scene I had in mind was from Hallowe’en Party:

There was only one thing about his own appearance which really pleased Hercule Poirot, and that was the profusion of his moustaches, and the way they responded to grooming and treatment and trimming. They were magnificent. He knew of nobody else who had any moustache half as good.

No matter how vain he is, though, you can’t help but root for the Belgian detective, and I’ve got to say that Designer came pretty close to portraying how I picture him it its first attempt. Apart from the ubiquitous pencils, I’d say it did well on this one!

People who guessed the correct series: Morgan, Charlotte, Hannah, Lesser Leaf, Janette, Anonymous Person #2

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: I think this is a three-way tie between Charlotte’s “Hercule Poirot checking out his moustache for some reason,” Lesser Leaf’s “An Agatha Christie Poirot novel? He was pretty proud of his moustache πŸ™‚,” and Anonymous Person #2’s “Draw me some fan art of Hercule Poirot cultivating a luxuriant mustache,” so you’re all getting two extra points!

Scene #11 – Fake

Yeah, I totally made this last one up – and am proud to say at least some people fell for it! πŸ˜πŸ˜‡ Still, just as it did with its “real” fanart, Designer apparently had no issues whatsoever stealing its imagery from well-known movies. How did all of this Star Wars content end up in here?

People who correctly spotted this imposter picture: Morgan (2.5 points – I’m strict, so to get the full five points, you guys had to be a bit surer of this picture’s fakeness! 😎), Charlotte, Lesser Leaf, Janette, Anonymous Person #2

Person who came closest to guessing my prompt: Anonymous Person #2 with “Draw me some fan art of an angel comforting a dying robot.” (I would love if Isaac Asimov had written a story like this, though… I was obsessed with I, Robot back in the day!)


And so, unless I’ve miscounted, the points stand thus:

Which means our winner, who now has the power force me to write something on the topic of their choice, is the one person whose identity is a complete mystery to me. But feel free to let me know in the comments if this is you!

(I will be carefully dissecting writing styles to make sure that bookish honor goes to the person who deserves it and not some imposter, don’t you worry! 🧐)

However, since I’m more sure of Charlotte’s identity and she’s in second place, I feel like it’s only sure to extend the same courtesy to her. So, Charlotte, if there’s anything in particular you want me to write about, do let me know!

Also, even if you didn’t win, consider me extremely impressed by your guessing skills. I highly doubt I would’ve gotten more than five points on this despite having read every single book on the list. So just in case any of you ever want to make a quiz like this yourselves – PLEASE CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED AND INVITE ME TO TAKE PART!!!! I desperately want to see how hard this actually is!!

Anyway, that brings us to the end of this post! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the AI’s fanart skills now that you know what it was trying to depict, and any theories you might have had as to why the art turned out the way it did.

(For my part, all I have left to say is that it’s actually pretty creepy how great Designer is at drawing stuff from prompts, especially if you give it more context to work with than I did here. It’s probably hardly surprising that I got a few bizarre results, considering I only gave the AI random character names and didn’t even mention the books they were from. With more background and detailed descriptions of what you expect to see, you can actually get Designer to draw almost everything imaginable!)

31 thoughts on “The Grand Reveal || Could you guess the book scenes from AI-made fanart?

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Those “huh?”s perfectly captured my reaction to seeing those pictures for the first time, though 🀣 But yes, you deserve to be proud of that 5.5! I was really impressed that you guys recognized some of these!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Line @First Line Reader says:

    Well, at least I got almost all the books I’d actually read πŸ˜… I had no chance with Assassin’s Quest so I’m absolutely fine with that loss! However, I also kind of want to argue that some of your “iconic” scenes are rather small and very easy for my brain to forget unless I read the book yesterday πŸ˜‚ You’re very right to call me out for my New Moon advantage because there’s no way I would have got that if you hadn’t mentioned it a couple days before! Also, McGonagall and Snape’s rivalry isn’t exactly a scene, is it? It’s more an underlying thing in several scenes so no wonder the AI had such a hard time with that πŸ˜‚ Still, it looks like it based the picture on some fanfiction it found randomly.

    And you know, I hadn’t actually noticed that the drawing theme was so prevalent. It’s not in all of them so I guess I just figured it was important in the ones that did include it πŸ™ˆ But the AI being that stupid is really funny! πŸ˜‚

    But congrats to whoever won this and Charlotte πŸ₯³ I’m deeply impressed!

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Yeah, I was very impressed by your guessing skills – I’m not sure I’d have recognized The Martian, for example! And, I never would’ve guessed Assassin’s Quest, either; I would’ve though that was from some horror novel I hadn’t read πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…

      Most of my “iconic” scenes ARE iconic, though! Okay, maybe the Nighteyes one isn’t that well-known, and I already explained why I had to step up the game in that Harry Potter one… But I feel like those other scenes are definitely really well known! πŸ˜πŸ˜‡ Besides, I couldn’t make this too easy, could I?

      I loved how nobody apparently thought there was anything weird about there being pencils and painbrushes everywhere 🀣🀣 I’m definitely not trusting anything AI-made I encounter in the future without a healthy amount of skepticism because yes, the way it interprets things can sometimes be incredibly dumb!

      Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      WordPress is mysterious in its ways πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ Me though? Less so. I cross-referenced who had liked the post on the day of the mysterious comment with people’s writing styles and since I think you already mentioned that you weren’t great at image-based quizzes back when I wrote those emoji posts (which I is a lie, by the way; you did at least as well as I would’ve 😜), it made sense that you’d say something like that!

      Lololol, the art though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ Every time I analyze it more closely, I seem to find more disturbing details, and am glad we still have human-made fanart!


  2. Charlotte says:

    Yay I’ve been waiting for these results to come out!! And I have to laugh now that I know why so many of these scenes contained drawing elements πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I’d like to say that’s what was throwing me off with them but tbh it’s not πŸ™ˆ

    Firstly I refuse to believe that is Feyre and not Geralt. I just googled him again to check and the second picture looks exactly like him. If you’d said it was someone from GOT or LOTR I’d get it but how on earth is that Feyre? Since when is she male??? And why is the worm a dragon πŸ€” I imagined it being much more like an earthworm too, but massive and with razor teeth and disturbing slime. I’m pretty sure it didn’t have wings??? Also there was one worm, not several and looking more closely what is with Feyres third leg in picture one?

    Yay I got the right book for the second one but it’s nice to see you also mention how the ages look all wrong and also the Scrooge mention because that second picture was making me think of that and Dickens himself too πŸ˜‚

    I wouldn’t have guessed the third one as I haven’t read the book or seen the movie (I really should do both given the popularity of them) but I can see how it fits the prompt (besides drawing the potatoes rather than growing them πŸ˜‚)

    Firstly yes!! I wondered why Harry & Snape seemed to have swapped clothes in the second picture too. To be fair to the AI I did notice the brooms in the first picture but the overall effect was more duellike to me. (And why does Harrys broom have no twigs?) I guess the Duel like element is due to the word ‘rivalry ‘? But I’d never have got McGonagal from those pictures. I guess she could maybe be the figure in the central background with the hat but it definitely puts Snape and Harry as the focus.

    Ooh that Anonymous winning guess for the next one was almost spot on!! I’m also surprised I guessed the right book given how bright and cheery the second picture is πŸ˜‚ I feel like it also includes the odd Pokemon.

    I haven’t read anything by Robin Hobbs yet πŸ™ˆ (she is on my TBR though) but even if I had I doubt I’d have guessed correctly πŸ˜‚ tbh I half wondered if this was the fake scene as I did have one possible option for the one I’d picked as fake (I’ll mention it when we reach that prompt). I get the way it’s interpreted Nighteyes and it has rabbits but I figure from what you’ve written it meant as in food? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ also that costume says death way more to me than fool or assassin. Although I suppose the second of those do spread death.

    I really don’t get the second Mockingjay picture πŸ€” it’s made Katniss male for one thing. Does AI prefer men? But I can see Katniss and how she’s mourning. I’d have guessed Rue too though. Although now that you’ve said it I can see the cat in the first picture. And the scene that you’ve mentioned was heartbreaking.

    How odd that it blocked the word Gollum πŸ€” I wouldn’t have got the riddle aspect right though or narrowed it down to the Hobbit. Somehow I haven’t seen those movies. And I haven’t read any of the books πŸ™ˆ

    You referenced my guess πŸ˜‚ I so don’t understand why it drew Edward rather than Jacob. Its not like he’s unknown πŸ€”

    The first time I got extra points πŸ˜‚ but yay. Although I have to admit I don’t understand why Poirot is obsessed with his moustache.

    Tbh although I correctly identified the fake I was convinced you’d asked it to draw you something from Stars Wars and the angel was just randomly thrown in πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ also because of the angel and robots the book I came semi close to mentioning for it is Clockwork Angel. But then it looked so Star Wars like that it didn’t seem to fit πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    You got a definite winner with this quiz, I can’t believe somehow managed to get 10 points ahead of everyone else. I also can’t quite believe that I came second. That seems impossible as I was convinced I’d done terribly πŸ˜‚

    I feel weird telling you what to write about πŸ˜… the panic also makes my mind go blank. Maybe you could share your thoughts on your favourite and least favourite books, particularly if they’re popular and opinions divided πŸ€” or a post about books or stories within the HP world that you’d love to see. I always feel like there’s so much potential within that world, either with specific characters or else just taking history in general and how the wizarding world was effected by major events.

    Also congratulations to the winner πŸ† whoever they are.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      It’s so nice to finally be able to laugh about these with everyone! All the drawing and painting was definitely bizarre, and, OMG, I didn’t even notice “Feyre’s” third leg before you pointed it out 🀣🀣🀣 (Even though I still think it’s less disturbing than that Pride & Prejudice grandpa… Maybe it’s just her shapeshifting abilities kicking in a bit early? πŸ€”)

      Also, I’m pretty sure that the worm was described exactly the way you just described it in the books! At least, that’s what I pictured, too, and I definitely don’t recall wings, either. And Geralt is certainly a much better fit for that second dude – I wonder how the AI came to the conclusion that that was Feyre??

      I definitely think more people would’ve guessed A Christmas Carol for that second one if the door hadn’t mentioned “Bennetets”! Nobody can convince me that dude isn’t Scrooge!!

      Hmm, I guess the AI erasing McGonagall is just another example that it prefers men πŸ€” All these gender-changes are so strange!! Although I did actually think Katniss #2 was supposed to be a girl with short hair, so maybe at least that one is subject to interpretation…

      Lol, I think Poirot being super obsessed with the mustache is the equivalent of some women spending hours fretting over their hair? I’ve never understood that, either, but then again, my sense of style is virtually nonexistent… I just always put my own hair up in a ponytail because that conveniently gets it out of my face. Poirot would be horrifed πŸ˜‚

      And I’ll see what I can do with those prompts! I’ve written a post about my favorite books before – coincidentally, that one was also a quiz – and don’t think I’d have much to say on the Harry Potter front (I want J.K. Rowling to stay well away from writing any more stuff within that world so we don’t get another Cursed Child situation! 😬), but I don’t think I’ve ever dedicated a post to my least favorite books – that could be fun! I’ll do some thinking and see what I come up with…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Charlotte says:

        I think claiming its her shape shifting abilities is a bit generous when they got her gender wrong but who knows πŸ˜‚ and yes the grandad is disturbing. For me the winner of most disturbing would have to be the bunnies though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

        My best guess is that it went with what most fantasy fighters look like. Or else it took on the fact that she wore tunics and just drew a very unconvincing female. Tbh I think that’s giving it too much credit again though given the random wings.

        I suppose so. I did check the animals in case she was in her cat form but none really fit.

        I get the comparison I just find it bizarre as when I was first saw a depiction of Poirot I literally said ‘his moustache is irritating me’ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I just find that sort kind of ridiculous πŸ™ˆ

        I’ve never read Cursed Child so can’t really comment on it. I wasn’t in a rush to read it as the play format didn’t really appeal to me. And quizzes are a fun way to include books. I’d definitely try another of these in the future.

        Liked by 1 person

        • abookowlscorner says:

          Hahaha, yeah, those bunnies are definitely nightmare-worthy, so I totally understand you putting them down as most disturbing 🀣 They’re not at all what I had in mind when I pictured that scene!

          Oh, and trust me – if you haven’t read Cursed Child yet, save yourself the trouble and just continue to steer clear! No “sequel” has ever infurtiated me as much as that play did; it’s such an insult to the Harry Potter books! 😀😭

          I’m glad you liked the quiz format, though – like I said, if you ever want to try this yourself, you’ve already got one player guaranteed! πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

          Liked by 1 person

          • Charlotte says:

            I know I’m not familiar with the scene they depict but even so I’m not surprised πŸ˜‚

            I have seen pretty negative things about it. Yet that increases my curiosity oddly πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ although the last thing I want to do is spoil the original series for myself.

            If you’re 100% sure you don’t mind me borrowing your idea I might try it out sometime during May. I did spot your mention of being curious to see how you’d find a quiz like it.

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Janette says:

    I’ve been looking forward to this reveal all week and am so impressed with my score of 11,5. I have to say that the spooky rabbits do not give me Robin Hobb vibes at all. That is a seriously weird interpretation of your prompt. It was a brilliant idea though and so interesting to see what AI can come up with on very limited information.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I am very impressed with that 11.5, too! I don’t even know how you figured out so many of these! 🀯 You’re definitely excused for not getting the Robin Hobb one, though. I’d’ve been so surprised if anyone had made sense of that, and actually figured several people would probably think it was fake… I’m actually quite surprised that the majority of you spotted the real imposter with all the strange other stuff the AI threw in here! πŸ˜‚ Still, this was definitely a fun experiment!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. bookishballad4031 says:

    wow, I failed so epically. Oh well! (And to think that I have read Agatha Christie and didn’t get Poirot! Oh, the shame…)

    Thanks anyway! It was amusing to see what the AI came up with.

    (I still think Gollum looked FAR too much like Yoda.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Don’t make yourself look bad! Considering the kinds of stuff the AI drew, I feel like recognizing any of these is already a feat in and of itself! πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ

      And lol, I still don’t know why Gollum looks so green… Maybe the AI is just particularly obsessed with Star Wars? After all, it definitely stole those robots from there, too! πŸ€”


  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m Anonymous Person #2! Thanks again for the fun contest, I’m thrilled to be the winner! That was my first ever comment here, so I feel a bit bad snatching victory from the more consistent posters.  About me — I’m a fairly anonymous person living a fairly anonymous life in Minnesota.  I like the sound of candy hitting the bottom of vending machines, and dislike removing cotton from pill bottles. 
    Like Charlotte, I feel very uncomfortable telling you what to write about. You seem to be doing quite well on your own! Hmmm…maybe an ode to Fitz and Molly’s eternal love?Β  Or a celebration of the collected works of Joseph Conrad? No?Β  Well, maybe a recommendation about what to read next when you’ve sadly run out of Hobb books and want something to fill the hole?Β  Or a post about fun German books Americans should read?Β 

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Ooooh, yay, I’m so happy to have you here, and congrats again on your win!! πŸ₯³ Seriously, I am sooooo impressed with how well you interpreted the AI’s strange thought processes!

      Also, I’m so honored you considered my quiz worthy of your first ever comment on this blog – especially since you seem to be a bit of a regular here, seeing that you want me to write an ode to Fitz and Molly and celebrate the collected works of Joseph Conrad🀨 – and I love your mysterious air of anonymousness! You’re more than welcome to snatch that deserved victory! (And, to be honest, I’m also kind of relieved to hear that I didn’t fail to recognize the writing style of someone I’m supposed to know fairly well by now πŸ˜‚)

      And thank you so much for your suggestions! I think I’ll pass on the first two, but try to come up with something for at least one of the latter ones! Although I’m still trying to fill the Robin Hobb void myself, so I’m not really sure if anything I could recommend can compare… πŸ˜₯


  6. Morgan @ Morgan Is Reading Again says:

    Haha, I loved this, Naemi! And why do I feel weirdly proud over getting the third place? πŸ˜‚

    Wow, the audacity of AI of making McGonagall into a man…

    And I also have no clue why Gollum is considered inappropriate by their standards, but do let me know if you figure it out. πŸ˜…

    Thanks for making me laugh! I hope you make some other goofy quiz in the future! I would think that something like guess the book based on its German title could be fun as well! (Of course there’s a possibility that lots of your readers actually know German, it’s just an idea, haha)

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      You deserve to be proud! πŸ₯‰πŸ₯³ I stand by the fact that I don’t think this quiz was easy at all!

      I really do wish I understood the AI’s thought processes better, though. Why are all these men there? What’s wrong with Gollum?! I feel like we’re probably never going to get any answers, which is so unsatisfying somehow…

      However, it’s nice to hear you enjoyed the quiz! I’m pretty sure there’ll be another one at some point – I seem to get the urge to make one about once a year πŸ˜„ – and guessing books based on their German titles might not be a bad idea… Like, even if you speak German, it can be downright impossible unless you actually know the book! (In case you’re curious about this and haven’t already read them, Line and I once did a collab comparing Danish and German title translations, and let’s just say the results were… interesting πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ)

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Niv says:

    Not me slinking back and forth while all this happened. One, this was a brilliant idea. Two, I’m helplessly bad at this. I’m being very honest here in the hope that it makes up for the fact of not participating in this fun post.πŸ™ˆ
    Okay, so throughout the two weeks, I kept randomly visiting the previous post and I just couldn’t write ‘idk’ for all the prompts, could I? But in my defense, I just own most of the books here but don’t know what’s inside them, because I haven’t read them yet lol.
    Now that the results are finally out, I find myself going ohhh, after each answer. The Martain one was easy enough to guess, I should have tried harder at that.

    AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HP ONE-?!? I thought it was from HP when I first saw it, but all the weird animals around made me think otherwise. But it looked like Snape and Harry having a duel. AND NOW YOU SAY ITS MCGONAGALL!?! WHAT?! AI is cruel.πŸ’€

    I thought the New Moon prompt was Twilight(πŸ™ˆπŸ’€πŸ™ˆπŸ’€πŸ™ˆ) but I haven’t read either of them and have just seen some clips of Twilight soo…(I’m so poor at excuses πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚)

    My stupidest guess was…..of the FAKE one. I seriously thought it was from Cinder. But I couldn’t recall any seen in which Kai sprouts wings. But still I was fairly sure it was Cinder.
    And it was fake.

    Congratulations to everybody who took part, (it’s SO not easy) and Naemi, please tell me you don’t set tests like these for your students. Even though AI is the mastermind here, I have a feeling you share some devilish brilliance with AI, seeing the immaculate prompts.
    But love the idea behind this post!πŸ’—βœ¨

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Well, even if you didn’t submit any answers, you seem to have had fun guessing along anyway – which was the whole point of this! πŸ€—

      Honestly, though? I would’ve been just as hopelessly lost as you with some of these! I’m not sure I’d’ve recognized The Martian myself, and identifying Twilight for the New Moon one is already really good! In fact, I even awarded points to people for getting series correct because that is already a feat in and of itself. And if the first picture is Feyre fighting a worm and the creepy rabbit picture Nighteyes and the Fool, I feel like that last picture could totally be Kai and Cinder, too 🀣

      Also, obviously, my students get much harder tests than this one πŸ˜œπŸ˜‡

      Liked by 1 person

  8. maya rajesh says:

    Oh my gosh this was such a cool idea! Can’t believe I missed it β€” i was travelling all of april 😭 You’re really funny; I LOVE the idea behind some of these prompts and I haven’t read all of them but I was kinda mad I didn’t get pride & prejudice! Scene 11 could be the Lunar Chronicles β€” I mean it’s a stretch but the cyborg thing? I don’t know; I read it so long ago. Reminds me of that scene from Spider Man (andrew garfield) though. Anyway, love the idea, love the post, have a great May, Naemi β™₯β™₯

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      To be fair, I’d say going to Australia still tops taking part in this quiz a thousandfold, so don’t feel too bad! πŸ’™ Although, yeah, this idea turned out way more hilarious than I originally thought – some of the stuff the AI came up with was just bonkers! 🀣 So yeah, I also agree that that last picture isn’t really further removed from the Lunar Chronicles than some of the other scenes are from their source material…

      Anyway, a great May to you, too, Maya! And again, sorry I posted this when you weren’t around to participate! Maybe we’ll be lucky and someone else will jump on the bandwagon eventually, so we can both play, too? πŸ™ƒ

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