The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag 2024

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Although you probably don’t need a math degree to realize that 5/12 is actually closer to two quarters than one quarter, we’re doing The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag today anyway! Why? Well, because Morgan @ Morgan Is Reading Again tagged me to do it, and, despite me having procrastinated on tags way past the one-year mark at this point, I never intentionally set out to wait that long. With my already horrific track record, I couldn’t really take the shame of waiting until 2025 to get to this, you know?! And besides, it’s not like we’ve actually completed five whole months of 2024 yet. We’re still closer to having completed 4/12 of the year than 5/12. And 4/12 is pretty close to 3/12… Or we could just use the lunar calendar, which would place me mere weeks off the one quarter mark. Which means I’m obviously totally on time with this!

🤗 So let’s get into the questions! 🤗

How many books have you read so far?

About 27.3, excluding rereads and math textbooks. The 0.3 is War and Peace, which is so chunky that I feel like 30% of it should definitely count for something! Expert mathematician that I am, I have no clue how much I reread, but if I had to guess, I’d say the childhood favorites and math books land me at somewhere between 40 and 50 books total… #Don’tTakeMyWordForThat🤔

Have you already found a book you think might be a 2024 favorite?

I’m still trying to decide whether I’ve become overly critical or whether I’m just not picking up anything truly mind-blowing because I have yet to read my first five-star read of the year 😭 However, I did wholeheartedly adore The Heart’s Invisible Furies, the three new Cormoran Strike novels I read this year, and Iron Flame, so those are currently the strongest contenders for my number one spot. Even if I didn’t think they were flawless, I’m beyond obsessed with all five of them!

What was your favorite book you read that wasn’t quite five-stars?

All the ones mentioned above? However, if you want another recommendation, the next runner up is probably Natasha Pulley’s Mars House.

Any least favorite books of the year?

If I can’t get those five-star reads, at least I’m also being spared from the truly awful one-stars! 🤷‍♀️However, despite having at least some redeemable qualities that catapulted them safely into the two-star range, The Color of Revenge, Dune, and Ascent were still all incredibly disappointing. So they’re going onto my least-favorites list for sure!

Most read genre so far?

Mystery and thriller, accounting for about 29.6% of my reads 😬😱🤯 I know. I’m currently having a bit of an identity crisis here – I think the last time mystery and thriller managed to top fantasy was when I was in third grade and reading almost exclusively Nancy Drew, Famous Five, Secret Seven, Five Find-Outers, and Boxcar Children books. Or maybe when I had my huge Agatha Christie phase at twelve.

However, since my current fantasy percentage sits at roughly 25.9%, I feel like it’s still possible to salvage this. I will remain true to my roots! It’s just hard when I’m still suffering from Robin Hobb deprivation and other authors just can’t compare…

Book that’s come out in 2024 already that you want to read but haven’t yet?

In true naïve Naemi-fashion – you know, the one where I failed to realize than one of my favorite series had gained a new installment until I stumbled across Seasparrow more than a year after its publication – I figured me having read The Warm Hands of Ghosts and Mars House meant that I was all caught up on my anticipated new releases. And then, while double-checking for this post, I found out that The Sunshine Court has already existed since April 13th? Like, WTF!!!?? I could have had more Foxes in my life for a whole month and NOBODY TOLD ME!!!???? HOW??!! I need to get my hands on this thing ASAP!!!

One goal you made that you’re succeeding at?

To be honest, I seem to be failing at the majority of my bookish goals, but doing alright on the personal ones? 😂 To give you a quick summary, here’s how I’m currently doing at achieving all of the stuff overly motivated me of four months ago decided I should accomplish in 2024:

Book Goals:

  • Read 70 books: I’ve read 27, so I’m two books ahead of schedule! 🆗
  • Read stuff in French, Russian, and Swedish: I’m failing so hard here. I’ve read one Swedish book but never picked up the French and Russian ones I was in the middle of ever again. ❌
  • Read at least five German books: I’ve read four already, so if I fail at this, it’s gonna be truly embarrassing. 🆗
  • Read at least ten books from non-US/UK countries: Apart from those four German books, the Swedish one, and those 30% of War and Peace, the only non-US/UK novel I’ve picked up without DNFing – Sorry, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida, I’ll get back to you!! – is The Heart’s Invisible Furies. And since Ireland isn’t exactly that far out of my comfort zone, I’d say I’m doing pretty dang terribly at this ❌
  • Read at least four of my neglected series finales and classics: Yeah, nope. I’ve happily continued to abandon all series finales and the only classic I’ve finished so far is Franz Kafka’s The Trial, which wasn’t even on my list. I’m making progress on War and Peace, though! ❌
  • Post. The. Assassin’s. Fate. Review: I have not written a single word of this since September 2022… ❌

Personal Goals:

  • Reach a three-year Duolingo streak: Yay, I finally get to feel accomplished because I’ve already done this and am currently sitting at 1145 days! ✅
  • Take a Swedish course in Sweden: I have not done this, but I am taking a Swedish course and my teacher is Swedish, which I feel like is the next-best thing? 🆗
  • Find a pen pal and write letters to them in one of my target languages: Anyone speak French, Swedish, or Russian and wanna be my pen pal? ❌
  • Travel to at least five countries: I’ve been to Iceland, the Czech Republic and Austria already and have conferences lined up in Italy and the Netherlands later this year, so this shouldn’t be too hard! 🆗
  • See the Northern Lights: I am not giving up! Especially since I really want to go to Scandinavia this year anyway! ❌
  • Summit Hochgern: I did this and wrote an entire post about it! ✅
  • Summit Zugspitze: One of my brothers and I plan to do this later this year! 🆗
  • Learn how to properly climb a via ferrata: I mean, I have nothing in the works, but never say never, right? ❌
  • Learn how to scuba dive: Again, never say never! ❌
  • Travel more kilometers by bicycle than by car: No fucking chance. I blew this the minute I moved back in with my parents and failed to find an apartment of my own closer to university ❌
  • Get a dynamo for my bicycle: Accomplished! ✅
  • Make a decent start on that math PhD: I’ve made a start, but I really don’t think it’s decent? 🆗
  • Make it through all of 2024 as a vegetarian, with December 5th being the only cheat day: I’ve made it this far, at least! And I’m seriously considering getting rid of the cheat day altogether because giving up meat completely really hasn’t been as hard as I expected! 🆗
  • Re-outline Ascent of Air and write at least 10,000 words of a first draft: Hahahahaha, really, Naemi?
  • Write a first draft of a novel in German: You should’ve put down “write a first paragraph” if you ever expected to make any progress on this!
  • Translate a novel: When the fuck did you think you would do all of this?
  • Join an orchestra and/or choir: I’ve joined both, so success here! ✅
  • Learn how to play the Sibelius violin concerto: I got distracted by Bach partitas, so nope. ❌
  • Learn how to play the Schubert Erlkönig piano accompaniment: I can play 2/6 pages semi-decently, 1/6 pages super slowly, and 3/6 pages horribly, so I’m making progress? 🆗
  • Improve on barré chords: I think I’ve only picked up my guitar twice during all of 2024? ❌

One goal you made you need to focus on?

Writing my own stuff. Being an author has always been this huge dream of mine, but ever since I started university and my free time got reduced drastically, I feel like I’ve been postponing writing to focus on the more short-term things I need to get done. This year, though, I feel like I finally have a bit of room to breathe again, so I really need to commit to writing!

New-to-you book bloggers for 2024 you recommend?

Hmm, I think the only truly new-to-me blogger I’ve stumbled across in 2024 is Jess @ Thoughts Canvas? I really have been terrible at blog hopping and finding new people this year, but Jess’s site is definitely worth checking out!

But anyway – that brings us to the end of this tag! Since I’m already stretching the “quarter year” thing to a breaking point myself, I won’t be tagging anyone, but if you’d like to join in on my lateness, feel free to consider yourself nominated! And thanks again to Morgan for getting me to do this!

As for everyone else: Have you found contenders for your favorite and least favorite books of the year yet? Any other new releases I might have missed? How are you doing with your yearly goals? I would love to know!

41 thoughts on “The Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag 2024

  1. Hannah says:

    Your goals are proper goals, unlike mine that are more of an easy to do list haha, you’re smashing it! 💪

    My top contender is probably empire of the damned, bottom probably tempest of tea.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Well, having an easy to-do-list has its perks, too – you get to feel really accomplished when you have a look at all the things you can check off! Whereas I usually end up not succeeding at at least half of the stuff I said I’d do… 🤣

      Ooh, I didn’t know you liked Empire of the Damned THAT much – that is definitely giving me more of an incentive to continue on with the series now! 👀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sophie @ Me & Ink says:

    It’s okay, I’m not hurt you’ve read more mysteries/thrillers than fantasy 😅✨ but as long as you are enjoying them! I hope you do find fantasies to wow you though, for all our sakes!

    The Sunshine Court did sneak up on us. I saw a post on Instagram and thought it was some fan hope, but it was real! I’ll be curious to hear your thoughts because despite loving the foxhole court, I’m not sure I want to read the new book. I need intel first 😂

    I loved seeing your goal progress ~~ you’re doing well considering the volume you’ve set, but your reactions to your writing goals made me chuckle 🤭 I totally get the prioritising short term goals rather than writing at times. I think I do that a lot and sometimes wish I didn’t. I don’t have a cool and intense reason like a uni degree to content with as well, so I don’t know what my problem is 😅

    Best of luck with your goals ❤️, you’ve got this! I hope you find your pen-pal and the northern lights 🌌

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Haha, I guess I just don’t truly feel like myself with so little fantasy in my reading life? I’m feeling seriously deprived of politics, magic, and dragons, though, so I definitely do need to find a new wowing high fantasy series soon! 😂

      Don’t worry – I’ll be more than happy to provide The Sunshine Court intel 🕵‍♀️ Everand has a copy available, so combined with my undying curiosity, there’s no way I’m not reading it soon! In fact, I might even start today… And the ratings so far actually look quite promising!

      I guess short term goals are just always nice in the way they give you a more immediate sense of accomplishment? Even without the distracting uni degree, I could see myself getting very sidetracked, so I don’t blame you at all! Fingers crossed we’ll both manage to stay on track a bit better in the future, though! 🤞🏻 I’d definitely love to have a book of yours on my shelves someday 💙

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sophie @ Me & Ink says:

        Fingers crossed you find one ✨

        Oohh.. I’m excited to hear more when you’ve finished 👀

        I agree, the immediate sense of accomplishment provides satisfaction!
        Thank you, we can do this 💪🏻
        Aw.. Thank you 🥹❤️ I honestly would be so excited to pick up your book too! 🥰

        Liked by 1 person

        • abookowlscorner says:

          Well, I basically flew through the whole thing Saturday afternoon, so I can actually give you that update! 😁😂 Suffice it to say: If you loved the other All for the Game books, I really think you’ll adore The Sunshine Court, too. Like The Foxhole Court, it’s a rather slow start to a series and doesn’t have that much plot, but, boy, the characters are going to have you in tears and utterly invested! I wholeheartedly adored it! 😭🥰

          Liked by 1 person

          • Sophie @ Me & Ink says:

            Wow, impressive. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 🥰 The characters were the highlight of the stories before and I’m glad it remains true. Ahh.. I’m so tempted, I may save it for when I’m in the mood for that type of story! Thank you for keeping me posted 😁

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Line @First Line Reader says:

    The explanations you made in the beginning to prove you weren’t late 😂😂 11 days into the fifth month is still pretty far though 😉

    When you have that many books vying for your number one spot, the year isn’t that bad, I think. 5-star books are overrated anyway (okay, maybe not), and at least you’re not really hating anything.

    You will have to tell me if The Sunshine Court is a necessary read 😄

    As for your goals, all of Europe seems to be seeing Northern Lights this weekend so I’ve of course been thinking of you! You didn’t see them last night? And you got the dynamo! I knew you could do it 😂 But good luck on your remaining goals!

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Admit it, my logic there was flawless! 😇😂

      Yeah, on the whole, I’m actually pretty happy with my 2024 reading as well! It’s kinda weird not to have a Gaussian curve or any extremes at all, but with everything skewed towards 4 stars, I think I’ll take it! (Although I still wouldn’t mind The Sunshine Court becoming my first five-star read of the year… 🙃🤗🥺)


      Liked by 1 person

        • abookowlscorner says:

          Noooooooo, I didn’t 😭😭😭 I spent pretty much all night huddled on a hill with a picknick blanket, tons of snacks, and a camera, but the most impressive thing I saw was the moon… 😥

          I seriously hope you had a much more satisfying night watching Eurovision! (Personally, I think Croatia should’ve won over Switzerland, but seeing that we got points for the first time in years, maybe I shouldn’t complain…)


          • Line @First Line Reader says:

            I’m so sorry!! 😢 Especially when you did that much for it!
            But I still think you had a better night than I did. I don’t know how much you’ve heard about all the controversy around Eurovision this year but it all made sure that I did not enjoy watching it and also almost didn’t watch at all. I’m currently pouring my feelings into a very, very long post but I AM glad that Switzerland won so at least there’s that. And yeah, congrats on being on the left side of the board! 😄

            Liked by 1 person

  4. maya rajesh says:

    Your goals are so unique! Mine were just read the newspaper and work out every day or something along those lines 💀

    I think I’m going to read Iron Flame next, I’ve heard SO many great reviews (some even calling it a YA Squid Game, haha.)
    Anyway, your Duolingo streak is IMPRESSIVE and I hope you get to 70 books! I think I’ve got a few contenders for my favourite: House of Salt & Sorrow, the nightingale, and First & then!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thank you! Although, in all honesty, working out every day sounds way more unachievable to a fitness-legend like me than anything on my list, so I think that’s a pretty great and epic goal, too! 💙

      Gosh, the entire Empyrean series has me way more hooked than I was expecting! Like, the writing could definitely be better, but I’m totally lapping up all the dragon riding specifics and drama and angst 🥰😂 So yeah, I’d recommend Iron Flame for sure!

      And thanks for sharing your favorites! I really enjoyed The Nightingale as well, but haven’t read the other two. Maybe I’ll have to look into them!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dave Williams says:

    You have wide-ranging goals! Sounds like you have a lot of different interests 🙂 It’s a shame you didn’t like “Dune.” I read that a couple years ago and was really impressed by it. My favorite read this year so far is “Cloud Atlas” by David Mitchell. And my least favorite read is probably “The Parade” by Dave Eggers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      My expectations might have gotten a bit carried away regarding Dune… But I’m still so disappointed I didn’t like it as much as everyone else seems to have! 😭

      Ooh, interesting! I’ve heard mixed things about Cloud Atlas, but such high praise is definitely making me want to give it a try eventually 😊 I’m sad to hear you didn’t like The Parade, though. I actually quite liked Dave Eggers’ The Circle – despite being annoyed by the info-dumpy writing style – so I’d been looking forward to trying more of his works!


  6. aimee can read says:

    So interesting that your most read so far this year isn’t your usual genre! Meanwhile I feel like I’ve been reading a lot of my usual this year and haven’t been venturing outside of my comfort zone as much as I’d like. D:

    Also your goals are so thorough and meaningful! Good luck on your phd, and I hope you get to write more this year. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Haha, I guess it’s always easy to judge one’s reading for one reason or another 🤣 “Venturing out of my comfort zone” does sound way better than “being unable to find any fantasy books I’m interested in despite desperately missing my favorite genre”, so I’ll just say that next time! 😇

      And thank you! I wish you the best of luck with everything you hope to accomplish in 2024, too! 💙


  7. Nic says:

    I love how you thought you’d have all this spare time to do all the things in your first year of PhD. I mean, sure, one has a lot more time than in an honours year, or in years two and three of PhD but there is still only so much time in a year… this is me laughing at myself because I did exactly the same thing thinking I had all this time in mine too, but also happy to find someone else who did the same 🙂.
    Contender for best book of the year is I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman.
    I don’t select a worst book of the year, but if I did it would probably be The Ghost Cat by Alex Howard so far.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Glad to hear I’m not the only one! 😂😂😂 To be fair, though, I do currently have way more spare time than when I was teaching, so I guess I just got a bit carried away? They do say to dream big, so we probably just both took that to heart! 😁

      Ooh, and I’ve never heard of I Who Have Never Known Men or The Ghost Cat… I’ll have to find out more!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. jan @ inkspun tales says:

    I want to see a review of Assassin’s Fate from you now!! (I just know there will be a gazillion of crying emojis)

    I do want to read the AFTG books sometime. based on what i’ve seen it’s gay and has a sports team which is connected to the mafia???? i don’t know but i am intrigued.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      If I ever finish the thing, there will be! 😭😭😭 It’s just that going through my notes and typing them up into something coherent is gonna be a behemoth of a task that I don’t think I’ll be able to tackle without also fully rereading the series – some of those notes are incredibly cryptic 😅🙈 – so finding the time to do that is so daunting that it might be worth almost as many crying emojis as the actual ending to the book…

      That’s gotta be the most accurate All for the Game description ever! 😂 Seriously, though, Jan, I think you’d love the series, so do give in to that intrigue!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Charlotte says:

    I’m sorry that you haven’t found a five star read yet this year. Hopefully you’ll pick one up soon 🤞 its also interesting to see that you enjoyed the Strike books so much. I’ve been curious about them for a while.

    I really want to read Dune one day so I hope I have a better experience than you. Thats based on how much I enjoyed the films though.

    😯 poor fantasy!! Although the percentages are pretty close between that and thriller. I really need to start picking up more of the latter. I always mean to but I constantly get distracted by fantasy books 😂

    To be fair to you missing certain book releases it can be easy to do. Especially when authors suddenly go back to series that you thought were finished. I hope you enjoy the Foxes novel.

    I think you’re doing well with your goals really. We’re not half way through the year yet and you’ve accomplished some of them. Plus you set so many that I think it would have been impossible to get to them all. Good luck for the rest of the year though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      I’m definitely not giving up on eventually finding that five-star read! Although I’ve also had so many almost-five-star books that I probably shouldn’t be complaining… I think my average rating might actually be better than in previous years at this point! 😂

      I’ve actually been avoiding the Dune films after disliking the book so much 🙈 I’ve heard that the cinematography is incredible, but nobody has told me anything that convincing about the plot yet, which has me worried I might have similar issues with the movie. Especially since my brother – who liked both – thinks it’s a pretty faithful adaptation. But maybe that’s a good sign that you’ll like the book way more than I did!

      Haha, I’ve always loved reading a weird mix of genres, so I guess it’s not too surprising that fantasy isn’t in first place for one. It still feels weird, though!

      I guess the one advantage to being super late to answer one’s comments is that one can provide updates 😂😅 – I’ve actually finished The Sunshine Court by now and loved it every bit as much as the original All for the Game trilogy! 🥰 So yeah, would definitely recommend 😁

      And thank you! I wish you the best of luck with your goals, too, Charlotte! 💙

      Liked by 1 person

      • Charlotte says:

        Well at least there’s been less lets down then I’d imagine. There’s nothing more frustrating than getting totally underwhelmed by one of your most anticipated books

        I like the plot of the movies but i have to admit that I think a lot of it goes over my head. That’s why I want to read the books in part, I’m hoping it’ll give me more background on some of the different people. So much of it seems fascinating that I want to know more 😂 anyway it’ll be interesting to see how I find the books then, given your brothers thoughts.

        Reading a mixture is nice though. And I guess maybe you get phases where certain genres tend to catch your eye.

        Aww yay that’s wonderful. I’m glad you enjoyed it just as much as the original Trilogy ❤️❤️ I haven’t read any of it yet. It’s on my tbr due to the abundance of love I’ve seen for it just sport books don’t really appeal to me so it isn’t high priority.

        Thank you ❤️❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Niv says:

    Here’s me thinking I had to wait till June to do the mid-year book freak out tag, when there’s a quarter year one 👀🙈. I loved reading your thoughts about all those books, even though I haven’t heard about most of them lol..
    But The Mars House seems beautiful (I’m judging by the cover here, if you haven’t guessed) and Robert Galbraith’s books were BOUND to be amazing, it’s J.K. Rowling we’re talking about!! I have soo many mystery/crime thrillers on my tbr rn so I think I’ll save these for later.

    But honestly, the best part of your post were your goals. I’m glad, and secretly relieved to know I’m not the only one who has so many overwhelming goals. Although yours sound definitely more intellectually stimulating! I really, really hope you get to see the Northern lights!! I recently saw a reel in which passengers travelling in a flight were informed by their pilot that they might see the Northern lights, and they did! How cool is that!!!
    I can already tell you’re a well rounded person judging from your travelling, writing, math and language goals, cheers to that!

    I hope you’re able to accomplish all that you dreamed of in the coming years!
    P.S. I’m sorry for being late to this post, but I’d been kind of busy and wanted to give a proper comment lol😁😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      The looming Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag was actually another reason I really had to sit down and write this thing – I didn’t want the two collding with each other 😂 But yeah, it’s nice to get an earlier opportunity to reflect on your yearly reading and goals, so if you want to jump on the bandwagon here, I’m definitely not complaining!

      Haha, I actually don’t care for The Mars House cover much – it’s so interesting how tastes can differ! 🤣 Still, in the end, it’s what’s inside a book that matters, and I have very few complaints there!

      And let’s hope we both achieve many of our overwhelming goals this year! 🙌 I mean, what’s the point in setting them if you already know you’ll do those things for sure anyway, am I right? 😁😎

      P.S. Are you seeing how late I am responding to this? Or how I still haven’t commented on your gorgeous travel account because I’ve just been so busy? If anyone should be embarrassed about being late to things here, it’s me, not you!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Niv says:

        Oh yeahh, I get that now😂 if I become less busy in the coming weeks (I have a feeling it’s going to be the opposite tbh, with tests and stuff) I definitely would like to try this tag!!

        Haha, that’s interesting. Now I’m eager to read Mars House to know if the book beats the cover😁😂

        Yess, wise words spoken there!! I might have to reconsider and set my priorities right for the coming academic years I guess, since most of the time I’m just studying, giving exams, studying.😂

        P.S. I totally understand you, though. I’m in a similar place myself 😅, here’s to us getting less busy😂😂 (and I LOVED your comment on the travel post)

        Liked by 1 person

  11. The Biblioshelf says:

    Those are some serious goals! Good luck with the rest of 2024! I’m waiting for The Running Grave to come out in paperback next month before diving into it (if I have the strength to actually pick the brick up! 😂).

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      Thank you, and best of luck with all of your 2024 plans, too! 💙

      Haha, The Running Grave is definitely a brick 😂 Weirdly enough, though, I never really notice just how long the Strike books are when I start reading them? I get so sucked in that all those pages simply speed by and I’m disappointed when there are none left – so I really hope you end up having a similar experience!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Marie says:

    I find it amazing that you’ve read so many mysteries/thrillers, like when you were younger! Sometimes I find myself drawn back to books I used to enjoy a lot, as well, lately; There’s some kind of comfort in falling back in love with these kind of reads? 🙂

    You’re smashing your goals though, that’s INCREDIBLE and so happy for you!! Keep on rocking, sending you all the good vibes 💪

    Liked by 1 person

    • abookowlscorner says:

      It is weirdly nostalgic to be returning to the genre so much! 😂 Although I find even more comfort in rereading my old favorites – which means I’ve never truly left the crime fiction behind anyway, I suppose. I’m just behind on newer releases!

      And thank you! I’d say there’s still room for improvement, but I’m happy with my progress overall, too. Hopefully, things are going well for you, too – I mean, publishing a book is pretty much the ultimate goal anyway, so I’d say you’re way ahead of me the goal department! 💙

      Liked by 1 person

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